Minggu, 22 Juli 2012


Our religion is Islam. The word Islam is derived from the obedience. In religious meaning Islam means submission to the will of God, and obedience to His law. One who follows it is called a Muslim. A true Muslim believes in on God, His Angels, His Messenger and His Divine Books,His absolute knowledge,and His final judgment in the hereafter. These are called “The articles of faith” or Rukun Iman. The man who believes in these articles of faith is called a Mu’min.
To practice the articles of faith one has to do the five principles of Islam. They consist of the Creed (Ash- Shahadah), prayer (Salah), fasting (Sawm), Alms-giving (Zakah), and pilgrimage (Hajj). These are called the five pillars of Islam or Rukun Islam. Faith without practice is a dead end. The man without faith has no source. His life will be meaningless. In other words, a person who confesses faith without practicing it is a self- deceiving person. Therefore the relation between Islam and Iman Is very close.

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